c# hashset addrange

c# hashset addrange

Adding a Range of Elements to a HashSet in C#

In C#, the HashSet<T> class is an efficient data structure for managing unique elements. However, unlike some other collections, it does not have a built-in AddRange method. Instead, elements must be added one at a time using the Add method. This article explains how to add multiple elements to a HashSet using workarounds and best practices, with practical examples.

Adding Multiple Elements to a HashSet

Using a Loop to Add Elements

The simplest way to add a range of elements to a HashSet is by looping through the items and adding them one by one.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class HashSetAddRangeExample
    public static void Main()
        // Create a new HashSet of integers
        HashSet<int> numbers = new HashSet<int> { 1, 2, 3 };

        // Create an array of new numbers to add
        int[] newNumbers = { 4, 5, 6, 2 }; // Contains a duplicate (2)

        // Add each number to the HashSet individually
        foreach (int number in newNumbers)

        // Display the updated set
        Console.WriteLine("Updated HashSet:");
        foreach (int number in numbers)

Using UnionWith for Sets

If you are working with another collection that is also a set, such as another HashSet, you can use the UnionWith method. It adds all elements from another set into the current HashSet.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class HashSetUnionWithExample
    public static void Main()
        // Create the original HashSet
        HashSet<string> fruits = new HashSet<string> { "Apple", "Banana", "Orange" };

        // Create another set of fruits to add
        HashSet<string> newFruits = new HashSet<string> { "Pineapple", "Mango", "Banana" }; // Contains a duplicate ("Banana")

        // Use UnionWith to add the new fruits

        // Display the updated set
        Console.WriteLine("Updated HashSet:");
        foreach (string fruit in fruits)

Practical Applications

  • Bulk Data Import: Quickly import and deduplicate bulk data from another collection or file.
  • Set Operations: Use UnionWith, IntersectWith, and ExceptWith to manipulate multiple sets.

Best Practices for Adding Ranges to HashSet

  • Use Efficient Structures: When adding from other collections, convert them to a set-like structure first.
  • Check Duplicates: Ensure that you are aware of how duplicates are handled, especially if combining large collections.


Adding multiple elements to a HashSet requires thoughtful handling since there isn't an AddRange method. By using loops or set operations like UnionWith, you can efficiently incorporate large numbers of items while maintaining unique collections.

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