why we use lambda expression in c#

why we use lambda expression in c#

Using Lambda Expressions as Parameters in C#

Lambda expressions in C# are not only powerful tools for writing concise code but also incredibly versatile when used as parameters in functions or methods. This capability significantly enhances the flexibility and readability of your code, allowing you to pass custom behavior directly into methods, especially when working with collections, threading, or event handling. This article will explore how to effectively use lambda expressions as parameters in various scenarios in C#.

Why Use Lambda Expressions as Parameters?

Using lambda expressions as parameters allows you to:

  • Reduce Code Verbosity: Inline lambda expressions minimize the need for additional methods, making your code more concise and easier to read.
  • Increase Code Flexibility: You can pass behavior into methods, making your functions more generic and reusable.
  • Simplify Event Subscription: Lambda expressions can simplify event handling by eliminating the need for explicit event handler methods.
  • Enhance Functional Programming Techniques: They enable techniques from functional programming such as higher-order functions, where functions take other functions as arguments or return them.

Practical Examples of Lambda Expressions as Parameters

1. Filtering a Collection

Lambda expressions shine in collection manipulation, particularly with LINQ. Here's how you can use a lambda expression to filter a list:


List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
Func<int, bool> isEven = num => num % 2 == 0;
var evenNumbers = numbers.Where(isEven).ToList();

evenNumbers.ForEach(num => Console.WriteLine(num));
// Output: 2, 4, 6

In this example, the isEven lambda expression is passed as a parameter to the Where method, filtering the list to only include even numbers.

2. Sorting with Custom Comparisons

Lambda expressions can define custom sorting behavior inline when calling the Sort or OrderBy methods:


List<string> names = new List<string> { "Anna", "John", "Bob", "Ella" };
var sortedNames = names.OrderBy(name => name.Length).ToList();

sortedNames.ForEach(name => Console.WriteLine(name));
// Output: Bob, Ella, Anna, John

This example sorts the names by length using a lambda expression as the key selector.

3. Using Lambda Expressions for Threading

Lambda expressions can be used to pass behavior to threads or task-based operations:


Task.Run(() => Console.WriteLine("This runs in a separate thread."));

Here, a lambda expression is used to define the action for a task, which executes in a separate thread.

4. Event Handling

Lambda expressions can streamline event handling by reducing the need for formally defined methods:


button.Click += (sender, args) => MessageBox.Show("Button clicked!");

This example uses a lambda expression to handle the button click event directly.

Best Practices When Using Lambda as Parameters

  • Keep Them Simple: Lambda expressions used as parameters should be kept simple to maintain readability. Complex lambdas might be better expressed as named methods.
  • Understand Scope and Capturing: Be aware of variable capturing in lambda expressions, especially in multithreaded environments, as it can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Consider Performance: While lambda expressions are convenient, they may introduce overhead, especially if used improperly in loops or recursive methods.


Lambda expressions as parameters offer a robust way to make your C# code more modular, flexible, and expressive. By integrating these into your coding practices, you can write less code while achieving more functionality, improving both the performance and maintainability of your applications. Whether manipulating data, handling events, or executing asynchronous code, lambda expressions provide a powerful tool for modern C# development.

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