linq foreach assign value c#

linq foreach assign value c#

Using LINQ and Foreach Together to Modify Collections in C#

In C#, LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is typically used for querying and retrieving data from collections, but it does not directly modify the elements of these collections. To modify elements, such as assigning new values based on certain conditions, you can combine LINQ for querying with foreach loops for modification. This article provides a practical guide on how to use LINQ to select elements and then use foreach loops to assign values in C#.

Understanding LINQ and Collection Modification

LINQ queries return results in a readonly context, meaning you cannot directly modify the original elements of the collection through LINQ. However, you can iterate over these results with a foreach loop and make necessary modifications. This approach is particularly useful when you need to update values conditionally based on complex queries.

Example: Updating Object Properties

Consider a scenario where you have a list of Employee objects, and you want to increase the salary of certain employees based on specific criteria.

Step 1: Define the Employee Class


public class Employee
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Salary { get; set; }
    public int YearsOfService { get; set; }

Step 2: Create and Populate the List


List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>
    new Employee { Name = "Alice", Salary = 50000, YearsOfService = 3 },
    new Employee { Name = "Bob", Salary = 52000, YearsOfService = 5 },
    new Employee { Name = "Charlie", Salary = 55000, YearsOfService = 2 }

Step 3: LINQ Query to Filter Employees


var employeesToRaise = employees.Where(e => e.YearsOfService > 3);

Step 4: Foreach Loop to Assign New Values


using System;

foreach (var employee in employeesToRaise)
    employee.Salary += 1000; // Increase salary

foreach (var employee in employees)
    Console.WriteLine($"{employee.Name}: ${employee.Salary}");
// Outputs:
// Alice: $50000
// Bob: $53000
// Charlie: $55000

In this example, employeesToRaise uses LINQ to select employees with more than 3 years of service. A foreach loop then iterates over this filtered list to increase their salaries.

Example: Modifying a Collection of Primitive Types

If you need to modify a collection of primitive types (e.g., integers or strings), you would typically need to use indexed access since primitive types are immutable.

Modifying a List of Integers

Suppose you have a list of integers representing scores that need to be adjusted by a factor.


List<int> scores = new List<int> { 90, 85, 88, 75 };

for (int i = 0; i < scores.Count; i++)
    scores[i] += 5; // Increase each score by 5

foreach (var score in scores)
// Outputs: 95, 90, 93, 80

In this scenario, because the list contains immutable integers, you cannot use a foreach loop to modify them directly. Instead, a for loop with index access is used.

Best Practices for Modifying Collections

  1. Avoid Modifying Collections During Enumeration: Modifying the collection within a foreach loop that iterates over the same collection can lead to runtime errors. If modifications are needed, consider using indexed for loops or modifying a copy of the collection.
  2. Use LINQ for Complex Queries: Use LINQ to handle complex querying logic before modification, simplifying the logic within your loops.
  3. Consider Performance: Iterating over large collections or complex LINQ queries can impact performance. Optimize by ensuring that your queries are as efficient as possible and by minimizing the number of iterations.


While LINQ itself does not modify collections, combining LINQ queries with foreach or for loops provides a flexible and powerful approach to conditionally modifying elements in a collection based on complex criteria. This method allows you to harness the full querying power of LINQ, followed by direct manipulation of elements to achieve your programming goals effectively.

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