Types of event in c#

Types of event in c#


Mastering Event Handling in C#

Event handling in C# is a fundamental concept in software design, particularly in developing applications with interactive user interfaces or those that require inter-component communication. Events provide a way for objects to broadcast important happenings to interested parties in a loosely coupled manner. This article will cover the basics of event handling in C#, illustrating how to define events, subscribe to them, and handle them effectively.

Understanding Events in C#

An event in C# is a mechanism that classes use to provide notifications to clients of that class when something of interest occurs. The typical use of events follows the publisher-subscriber model where the publisher determines when an event is triggered, and the subscriber handles the event.

Step-by-Step Guide to Event Handling

Let’s dive into the process of creating and using events in a C# application.

Step 1: Define the Event

Events are based on delegates, which define the signature of the methods that can respond to the event.

Define a Delegate

First, define a delegate that specifies the signature that event handlers must match.


public delegate void EventHandler(string message);

Declare an Event

Within a class, declare an event with the delegate type.


public class Publisher {    // Declare the event using the delegate    public event EventHandler ProcessCompleted; }

Step 2: Raising the Event

Within the publisher class, provide a method that raises the event. This method should check if the event has subscribers before trying to raise the event to avoid a null reference exception.


public void StartProcess()
    Console.WriteLine("Process Started.");
    // Code to start the process
    OnProcessCompleted("Process Completed Successfully.");

protected virtual void OnProcessCompleted(string message)
    // Raise the event in a thread-safe manner using the null-conditional operator.

Step 3: Handling the Event

Create a subscriber class that will handle the event. This class will have a method that matches the delegate signature.


public class Subscriber
    public void OnProcessCompleted(string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"Received message: {message}");

Step 4: Subscribing to the Event

The final step is to subscribe to the event using an instance of the subscriber class.


public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Publisher publisher = new Publisher();
        Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber();

        // Subscribe to the event
        publisher.ProcessCompleted += subscriber.OnProcessCompleted;
        // Start the process
        // Unsubscribe from the event
        publisher.ProcessCompleted -= subscriber.OnProcessCompleted;

In this example, when publisher.StartProcess() is called, it will eventually trigger the ProcessCompleted event, which calls subscriber.OnProcessCompleted() to handle the event.

Best Practices for Event Handling

  • Avoid Memory Leaks: Always unsubscribe from events when subscribers are no longer needed to prevent memory leaks.
  • Use Event Args: For greater flexibility, use the EventArgs class or a subclass to pass event data.
  • Thread Safety: Be cautious of thread safety when events are likely to be raised from multiple threads.
  • Exception Handling: Consider implementing robust exception handling within event handlers to ensure that one handler's failure doesn't prevent others from executing.


Event handling in C# is a powerful feature that allows developers to write clean, maintainable, and decoupled code. By following the outlined steps and best practices, you can effectively implement event-driven programming in your C# applications, enhancing their responsiveness and modularity.




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