c# dictionary<string, object>

c# dictionary<string, object>

C# Dictionary<string, object>

In C#, a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> allows storing and retrieving key-value pairs efficiently. Using Dictionary<string, object> offers flexibility in handling dynamic or mixed data types by storing them as object, the base class for all .NET data types. This article explains how to work with a Dictionary<string, object> in C#, with practical examples and best practices.

Key Features and Use Cases

  • Mixed Data Types: Store different data types under a single key structure.
  • Dynamic Storage: Manage dynamic configurations or custom key-value pairs.

Example: Storing and Retrieving Mixed Data Types

Basic Operations

This example demonstrates how to add, retrieve, and cast values in a Dictionary<string, object>:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class DictionaryStringObjectExample
    public static void Main()
        // Create a Dictionary with string keys and object values
        Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "Name", "Alice" },
            { "Age", 28 },
            { "IsEmployed", true },
            { "Height", 5.8 },
            { "BirthDate", new DateTime(1995, 5, 15) }

        // Retrieve and print each value by key
        string name = (string)data["Name"];
        int age = (int)data["Age"];
        bool isEmployed = (bool)data["IsEmployed"];
        double height = (double)data["Height"];
        DateTime birthDate = (DateTime)data["BirthDate"];

        Console.WriteLine($"Name: {name}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Age: {age}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Employed: {isEmployed}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Height: {height}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Birth Date: {birthDate.ToShortDateString()}");

        // Add or update a key-value pair
        data["JobTitle"] = "Software Developer";
        Console.WriteLine($"Job Title: {data["JobTitle"]}");

        // Handle missing keys using TryGetValue
        if (data.TryGetValue("Department", out object department))
            Console.WriteLine($"Department: {department}");
            Console.WriteLine("Key 'Department' not found.");

Best Practices for Working with Dictionary<string, object>

  • Type Safety: Ensure that the values are cast correctly based on the expected type.
  • Null Checks: Check for null values before using them to avoid runtime errors.
  • Key Existence: Use TryGetValue to handle missing keys gracefully.

Advanced Use Cases

  • Configuration Settings: Store different settings in a flexible key-value structure.
  • Dynamic Data Structures: Create dynamic data structures for parsing JSON or XML.


Using Dictionary<string, object> in C# provides a versatile way to store mixed data types dynamically. By understanding key retrieval methods, typecasting, and best practices, you can effectively manage flexible data structures for various application needs.


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