c# record copy constructor

c# record copy constructor

Understanding the Copy Constructor in C# Records

C# records, introduced in C# 9.0, provide a streamlined approach to defining immutable types with built-in functionality for value-based equality and simple cloning or copying through what is effectively a copy constructor. This article explores the concept of the copy constructor in C# records, how it works, and its advantages for creating and managing immutable data structures.

What is a Copy Constructor?

A copy constructor in object-oriented programming is a constructor that initializes a new object as a copy of an existing object. In C#, traditional classes do not automatically provide a copy constructor; developers often need to implement their own to ensure that all relevant properties are copied properly.

Automatic Copy Constructor in C# Records

Unlike traditional classes, records in C# come with an automatically implemented copy constructor. This feature simplifies the process of duplicating a record instance, ensuring that all properties are correctly copied to create a new instance with the same values.

Syntax and Usage

When you define a record, C# automatically provides a copy constructor. You can use this to create a new record instance by passing another instance of the same record type.


public record Person(string Name, int Age);

Using the record:


var originalPerson = new Person("John Doe", 30);
var copiedPerson = originalPerson with {};

In this example, copiedPerson is created as a copy of originalPerson using the record's synthesized copy constructor, facilitated by the with expression. The with expression is syntactic sugar that uses the copy constructor behind the scenes to create a new object while allowing for modifications if necessary.

Customizing the Copy Constructor

While the default behavior of the copy constructor in records is suitable for most scenarios, there might be cases where customization is necessary. For example, you might want to exclude certain properties from being copied or add custom logic during the copy.

Example of Customizing Copy Logic

C# does not allow explicit customization of the automatically provided copy constructor. However, you can achieve similar results by adding methods or additional constructors that create a new instance based on an existing one, allowing for more control over what is copied.


public record Person(string Name, int Age)
    public Person WithAdjustedAge(int newAge) => this with { Age = newAge };

In this modification, WithAdjustedAge provides a way to copy the record while adjusting the age, showcasing how you can implement custom 'copy constructor' behavior.

Benefits of Using the Copy Constructor in Records

  • Immutability: Ensures that the original object remains unchanged when creating a new modified instance.
  • Simplicity: Simplifies the creation of new objects from existing data, reducing boilerplate code.
  • Safety: Enhances thread safety by ensuring that objects are immutable and that shared references do not lead to unpredictable behavior.


The copy constructor feature of C# records represents a powerful tool for developers, especially when working with immutable data structures. It simplifies the duplication of objects, ensures consistency, and supports the functional programming paradigms that C# has been embracing more fully in recent versions. By understanding and effectively utilizing this feature, developers can enhance the maintainability and clarity of their applications, making them more robust and easier to understand.





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