Encoding in c# console example

Encoding in c# console example

Encoding in C# Console Example

In C#, the Console class is used extensively for building command-line applications. By default, it utilizes the system's encoding, which may not support all characters. Therefore, customizing the console's encoding settings is crucial to ensure proper display and handling of Unicode or other specific characters. This article explores how to handle different encodings in C# console applications with practical examples.

Understanding Console Encoding

  • Default Encoding: Typically, the console uses the system's default encoding, which may not correctly represent Unicode characters.
  • Custom Encoding: You can set a custom encoding using the Console.OutputEncoding property to ensure the correct handling of characters.

Example 1: Setting Console Encoding to UTF-8

Setting the console encoding to UTF-8 ensures proper handling of a wide range of characters, including non-ASCII symbols.

using System;
using System.Text;

public class ConsoleEncodingUTF8Example
    public static void Main()
        // Display the current console encoding
        Console.WriteLine("Current Encoding: " + Console.OutputEncoding);

        // Change the console encoding to UTF-8
        Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
        Console.WriteLine("Updated Encoding: " + Console.OutputEncoding);

        // Display a string containing Unicode characters
        Console.WriteLine("UTF-8 Characters: Hello, 世界! 😊");

Example 2: Reading and Writing UTF-8 Data

The following example demonstrates how to read and write UTF-8 data in the console:


using System;
using System.Text;

public class ReadWriteUTF8Example
    public static void Main()
        // Set the console encoding to UTF-8
        Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

        // Write a string with Unicode characters to the console
        string outputText = "Bonjour, le monde! 🌍";

        // Prompt the user to enter a UTF-8 string
        Console.Write("Enter a message: ");
        string inputText = Console.ReadLine();

        // Display the entered message
        Console.WriteLine($"You entered: {inputText}");

Example 3: Setting Console Encoding to ASCII

Sometimes, restricting output to ASCII characters is required for compatibility reasons:


using System;
using System.Text;

public class ConsoleEncodingASCIIExample
    public static void Main()
        // Set the console encoding to ASCII
        Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.ASCII;

        // Display a string containing ASCII characters only
        Console.WriteLine("ASCII Only: Hello, World!");

Practical Applications

  • Globalization: Ensures correct display of characters across different languages and scripts.
  • Data Logging: Outputs logs or diagnostic messages in specific encoding formats.
  • Compatibility: Restricts to simpler encoding formats for legacy systems.


Managing encoding in C# console applications is essential for proper data handling and display. By setting the Console.OutputEncoding property to the desired encoding, you can ensure accurate text representation for your application's global audience.

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