Implementing a Retry Strategy in C# Using Polly Version 8

Implementing a Retry Strategy in C# Using Polly Version 8



In this article, we explore the implementation of a Retry strategy using the Polly library version 8 in C#. The Retry strategy is a resilience mechanism that helps maintain system stability by repeatedly attempting to execute an operation after encountering errors, particularly transient ones.


  Simple Example

Below is an example that demonstrates how to create a simple Retry strategy:

using Polly;
using Polly.Retry;
using System;
public class RetryExample
   public static void Main()
       // Retry with zero delay
       RetryPolicy retryPolicy = Policy
                                 .Retry(3, onRetry: (exception, retryCount) =>
                                     Console.WriteLine($"Retry attempt {retryCount}: {exception.Message}");
           retryPolicy.Execute(() =>
               // Code that might throw an exception
       catch (Exception ex)
           Console.WriteLine($"Operation failed after retries: {ex.Message}");
   private static void PerformOperation()
       // Code that might fail


In this example, a policy for retrying is set up in case of exceptions. The `Retry` method specifies that up to three retry attempts should be made in case of an error. Additionally, an `onRetry` function is provided, which outputs the error message and the current retry attempt number after each failed attempt.


Using a Retry strategy in the Polly library is an effective way to manage transient errors in C# applications. Proper configuration of this method improves system stability and reduces disruptions caused by errors.

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