doubly linked list in c#

doubly linked list in c#

Doubly Linked List in C#

A doubly linked list is an advanced type of linked list in which each node has two links: one points to the next node and another to the previous node. This allows for bidirectional traversal of the list, which can significantly simplify the insertion and deletion of nodes. In C#, the LinkedList<T> class provided by the System.Collections.Generic namespace can be used to implement a doubly linked list. This article will discuss how to implement, use, and manipulate a doubly linked list in C#.

Understanding Doubly Linked Lists

Doubly linked lists are an extension of singly linked lists, making it easier to navigate backwards through the list and remove nodes without additional overhead of maintaining a reference to the previous node. Each node in a doubly linked list contains three parts:

  • Value: The actual data held by the node.
  • Next: A pointer to the next node in the list.
  • Previous: A pointer to the previous node in the list.

Implementation in C#

C# provides the LinkedList<T> class to create a doubly linked list where T is the type of elements stored in the nodes. Below is an example of how to use this class:


// Creating a new doubly linked list
LinkedList<int> numbers = new LinkedList<int>();

// Adding elements to the list
numbers.AddLast(10); // Add at the end
numbers.AddFirst(5); // Add at the beginning

// Adding a node after a known node
LinkedListNode<int> node = numbers.Find(10);
numbers.AddAfter(node, 15); // Insert 15 after 10

// Iterate through the list forward
Console.WriteLine("Forward traversal:");
for (LinkedListNode<int> n = numbers.First; n != null; n = n.Next)

// Iterate through the list backward
Console.WriteLine("Backward traversal:");
for (LinkedListNode<int> n = numbers.Last; n != null; n = n.Previous)

Key Operations on Doubly Linked Lists

  • Adding Elements: AddFirst, AddLast, AddBefore, and AddAfter methods allow for adding nodes at specific positions.
  • Removing Elements: Nodes can be removed efficiently using RemoveFirst, RemoveLast, and Remove methods.
  • Traversal: Nodes can be accessed from the beginning to the end using the First property and next links, or from the end to the beginning using the Last property and previous links.
  • Search: The Find and FindLast methods help in locating nodes containing specified values from the start or the end of the list, respectively.

Advantages of Using Doubly Linked Lists

  • Efficient Node Deletion and Insertion: Nodes can be removed or added more efficiently without needing additional pointers or extra traversal.
  • Bidirectional Traversal: Easier navigation through the list in both directions enhances performance for certain operations, such as reverse traversal and sorting algorithms.
  • Dynamic Size: Like singly linked lists, the size of doubly linked lists can be adjusted dynamically, which is beneficial where the number of elements is not known in advance.

Use Cases for Doubly Linked Lists

Doubly linked lists are particularly useful in applications where:

  • Frequent insertion and deletion of elements are required.
  • Quick access to elements from both ends of the list is necessary.
  • Implementations of complex data structures like queues and stacks are needed, where elements need to be added or removed from both ends.


The LinkedList<T> class in C# provides a powerful way to implement doubly linked lists, offering a range of functionalities suitable for managing dynamic collections efficiently. Understanding how to implement and use doubly linked lists effectively can lead to more robust and performant C# applications.


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