Nullable value type c# example

Nullable value type c# example


Implementing Nullable Value Types in C#

In C#, value types such as integers, doubles, and structures are inherently non-nullable, meaning they must always hold a valid value. However, there are scenarios where a value type needs to represent the absence of a value, such as when interfacing with databases or dealing with external data sources where specific data may not be available. C# addresses this need with nullable value types. This article explains how to implement nullable value types in C#, including practical usage examples.

What Are Nullable Value Types?

Nullable value types are an extension of the basic value types that allow them to hold null as a value, in addition to their normal range of values. This is achieved using the Nullable<T> struct or, more commonly, by using the ? shorthand notation after the type.

Syntax for Nullable Value Types

Here is how you declare a nullable value type:


int? nullableInt;
double? nullableDouble = null;
DateTime? nullableDate = null;

In these declarations:

  • int? is a nullable integer.
  • double? is a nullable double.
  • DateTime? is a nullable DateTime.

Example Usage of Nullable Value Types

Example 1: Basic Usage and Checking for Value


int? myNullableInt = null;
if (myNullableInt.HasValue)
    Console.WriteLine("Has value: " + myNullableInt.Value);
    Console.WriteLine("No value");  // This will be executed

Example 2: Using Nullable Types with Databases

Suppose you are fetching a row from a database where a column that represents age can either have an integer value or be NULL if the age is unknown.


int? age = database.GetAgeFromDatabase(userId); // This method returns null if age is unknown
if (age != null)
    Console.WriteLine("Age: " + age.Value);
    Console.WriteLine("Age is unknown.");

Handling Nullable Value Types

Checking for a Null Value

The primary property to check for the presence of a value in a nullable type is HasValue. It returns true if the nullable type contains a value; otherwise, it returns false. You can also use the Value property to get the actual value if HasValue is true.


double? myNullableDouble = 3.14;
if (myNullableDouble.HasValue)
    Console.WriteLine("Value of myNullableDouble: " + myNullableDouble.Value);

Null Coalescing Operator

The null coalescing operator ?? provides a way to define a default value for nullable types that are null. This can simplify handling defaults when a value is not present.


int? nullableScore = null;
int score = nullableScore ?? 0;
Console.WriteLine("Score: " + score); // Outputs "Score: 0"

Best Practices

  • Initialization: Always initialize nullable types to null or a definite value to avoid confusion.
  • Use When Appropriate: Utilize nullable types when dealing with external systems or any situation where data might legitimately be absent.
  • Null Checking: Always check if a nullable type has a value (HasValue or != null) before accessing its Value property to avoid runtime exceptions.


Nullable value types in C# are a valuable feature for developers, particularly when it is necessary to deal with the absence of data in a type-safe manner. By understanding and using nullable value types effectively, you can make your applications more robust and flexible, especially when interacting with databases or other systems where not all data entries are guaranteed.




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