Working with numbers in C#

Working with numbers in C#

Working with Numbers in C#

In C#, handling numerical data efficiently and correctly is crucial for building robust applications. C# offers a variety of data types for different numerical operations, which help in precision, performance, and specific use-case scenarios. This article will discuss the different numeric types available in C# and their applications.

C# Number Type

C# supports several numeric types that fall into two main categories: integral types (like int and long) and floating-point types (like float, double, and decimal).

Data Types in C# with Examples

C# provides a comprehensive set of data types that include both simple and complex numbers:

  • int: Represents a 32-bit signed integer.
  • double: Represents a double-precision floating-point number.
  • decimal: Used for financial and high precision calculations.

C# Integer

The int type is one of the most commonly used numeric types in C#. It is a 32-bit signed integer used for whole numbers.

C# Number Format

Formatting numbers in C# is handled using string format specifiers. For example, formatting a number as a currency:


int value = 1234;
string formatted = value.ToString("C");
Console.WriteLine(formatted); // Outputs $1,234.00 (in US culture)

C# INumber

INumber<T> is an interface introduced in C# 11, providing a way to write generic numeric algorithms that work with any numeric type that implements this interface.

C# Data Types

The main numeric data types in C# are:

  • int
  • long: Represents a 64-bit signed integer.
  • float: Represents a single-precision floating-point number.
  • double
  • decimal

C# Decimal Number of Digits After Point

The decimal type in C# is particularly suited for applications requiring a large number of digits after the decimal point, supporting up to 28-29 significant digits.

C# Long

The long type is a 64-bit signed integer, useful when integer values are too large for int.

C# Float

The float type represents a single-precision floating-point number. It is less precise than double but adequate for many applications not requiring double precision.

C# Decimal vs Double

  • Double: Provides a precision of approximately 15-16 digits and is ideally suited for scientific calculations.
  • Decimal: Offers a higher precision with 28-29 digits and is perfect for financial calculations where precision is critical.


double d = 1.0 / 3.0;
decimal e = 1.0m / 3.0m;
Console.WriteLine($"double: {d}, decimal: {e}");
// Outputs: double: 0.333333333333333, decimal: 0.3333333333333333333333333333

Handling numbers in C# effectively requires understanding the characteristics and use-cases of each numeric type. By choosing the right type for the right task, you can ensure that your applications perform optimally and accurately.


decimal c = 123.45m;


double b = 123.45;


int a = 123;

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