generic hashtable c#

generic hashtable c#

Generic Hashtable in C#

In C#, a traditional Hashtable is a non-generic collection that stores key-value pairs as objects, leading to type safety issues and potential runtime errors due to boxing/unboxing. With the introduction of generics, a more robust, type-safe alternative became available in the form of Dictionary<TKey, TValue>. This article discusses using a generic dictionary as an alternative to a generic hashtable, providing a safer and more efficient solution.

Why Use Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Over Hashtable?

  • Type Safety: Provides compile-time type checking, reducing runtime errors.
  • Performance: Eliminates boxing/unboxing for value types.
  • Flexibility: Supports a wide range of key-value types.
  • Enhanced Methods: Offers additional features and methods like TryGetValue.

Example: Using Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Instead of Hashtable

Basic Operations

Here's how you can create and use a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> to achieve functionality similar to a generic hashtable:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GenericDictionaryExample
    public static void Main()
        // Create a generic dictionary with string keys and integer values
        Dictionary<string, int> population = new Dictionary<string, int>
            { "USA", 331002651 },
            { "India", 1380004385 },
            { "China", 1439323776 },
            { "Brazil", 212559417 }

        // Add a new key-value pair
        population["Russia"] = 145912025;

        // Retrieve a value using the indexer syntax
        Console.WriteLine($"Population of India: {population["India"]}");

        // Safely retrieve a value using TryGetValue
        if (population.TryGetValue("China", out int chinaPopulation))
            Console.WriteLine($"Population of China: {chinaPopulation}");
            Console.WriteLine("Key not found.");

        // Iterate through all key-value pairs
        Console.WriteLine("\nList of all populations:");
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kv in population)
            Console.WriteLine($"{kv.Key}: {kv.Value}");

Key Advantages Over Hashtable

  1. Type Safety: Compile-time type checking ensures that the correct data types are used.
  2. Performance: Reduces performance overhead by avoiding boxing/unboxing of value types.
  3. Null Handling: Supports null values while ensuring non-null keys.

Best Practices for Dictionary

  • Capacity Management: Set an appropriate initial capacity to minimize resizing overhead.
  • Hash Codes: Use keys that implement a stable GetHashCode to ensure consistent behavior.
  • TryGetValue: Prefer TryGetValue for safe key lookups without exceptions.


Using Dictionary<TKey, TValue> as a generic hashtable in C# ensures type safety, better performance, and greater flexibility. Understanding the key features and best practices of dictionaries will help you design efficient data structures tailored to your application's needs.

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