Hashset in c# with example

Hashset in c# with example

HashSet in C# with Example

In C#, HashSet<T> is a collection class within the System.Collections.Generic namespace that provides high-performance set operations. Unlike lists or arrays, HashSet<T> ensures that all elements are unique and offers fast lookups, making it particularly suitable for scenarios involving set-based operations like unions and intersections. This article provides an overview of HashSet<T>, its key features, and practical examples of its usage.

Key Features of HashSet<T>

  • Unordered Collection: Elements are not stored in any specific order.
  • Unique Elements: Each element is guaranteed to appear only once in the collection.
  • High Performance: Offers average O(1) time complexity for lookup operations.

Common Operations

  • Add(T item): Adds an element to the set if it is not already present.
  • Contains(T item): Checks whether an element is in the set.
  • Remove(T item): Removes a specified element from the set.
  • UnionWith(IEnumerable<T> other): Combines the current set with another collection, keeping unique elements only.
  • IntersectWith(IEnumerable<T> other): Retains only the elements that are also in another collection.
  • ExceptWith(IEnumerable<T> other): Removes all elements from the current set that are present in another collection.

Example: Using HashSet<T> in C#

Here's an example that demonstrates how to use HashSet<T> for managing a collection of unique strings:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class HashSetExample
    public static void Main()
        // Creating a new HashSet of strings
        HashSet<string> uniqueFruits = new HashSet<string>();

        // Adding elements to the HashSet

        // Attempting to add a duplicate
        if (!uniqueFruits.Add("Apple"))
            Console.WriteLine("Apple is already in the HashSet.");

        // Checking if an element exists
        if (uniqueFruits.Contains("Orange"))
            Console.WriteLine("Orange is in the HashSet.");

        // Removing an element

        // Displaying all elements in the HashSet
        Console.WriteLine("Current fruits in the HashSet:");
        foreach (string fruit in uniqueFruits)

        // Demonstrating set operations
        HashSet<string> tropicalFruits = new HashSet<string> { "Banana", "Pineapple", "Mango", "Orange" };

        // Union
        Console.WriteLine("After union with tropical fruits:");
        foreach (string fruit in uniqueFruits)

        // Intersection
        HashSet<string> commonFruits = new HashSet<string>(uniqueFruits);
        Console.WriteLine("Common fruits between the sets:");
        foreach (string fruit in commonFruits)

Practical Applications of HashSet

  • Duplicate Removal: Ideal for scenarios where duplicate items should be removed from a collection.
  • Membership Testing: Quickly determine whether an element is part of a collection.
  • Set Operations: Implement unions, intersections, and differences efficiently.


The HashSet<T> class in C# is a versatile tool for managing collections where uniqueness and high performance are crucial. With a clear understanding of its operations and use cases, developers can leverage it to build efficient and robust applications.


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