group by one column and select multiple columns in linq

group by one column and select multiple columns in linq

 Mastering Group By and Selecting Multiple Columns in LINQ

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) in C# makes data manipulation efficient and straightforward. A common task is to group by one column while selecting multiple columns. This article guides you through this process, incorporating various related concepts to cater to both beginners and experienced developers.

Grouping by One Column and Selecting Multiple Columns

To understand this, let's explore an example.

Example: Group by One Column and Select Multiple Columns

Imagine we have a list of orders, and we want to group them by a category and select multiple aspects of each group.

var orders = new List<Order>
    // Initialization of the list

var groupedOrders = orders.GroupBy(order => order.Category)
                          .Select(group => new { Category = group.Key, TotalAmount = group.Sum(order => order.Amount) });

foreach (var orderGroup in groupedOrders)
    Console.WriteLine($"Category: {orderGroup.Category}, TotalAmount: {orderGroup.TotalAmount}");


  • Orders are grouped by Category.
  • For each group, we select the category and the total amount of orders in that category.

LINQ Select Multiple Columns into One List

You can project the results of a LINQ query into a list of a new anonymous type containing multiple columns.

var selectedColumns = orders.Select(order => new { order.Category, order.Amount }).ToList();

C# LINQ Group by Multiple Columns with Sum

To group by multiple columns and calculate the sum, use the following:

var result = orders.GroupBy(order => new { order.Category, order.CustomerId })
                   .Select(group => new { group.Key.Category, group.Key.CustomerId, TotalAmount = group.Sum(order => order.Amount) });

C# LINQ Group by Multiple Columns with Count

For grouping by multiple columns and counting:

var countResult = orders.GroupBy(order => new { order.Category, order.Status })
                        .Select(group => new { group.Key.Category, group.Key.Status, Count = group.Count() });

LINQ Group by Multiple Columns with Join

Joining and then grouping by multiple columns can be done as follows:

var joinedGroups = from order in orders
                   join customer in customers on order.CustomerId equals customer.Id
                   group order by new { order.Category, customer.Name } into grouped
                   select new { Category = grouped.Key.Category, CustomerName = grouped.Key.Name, TotalAmount = grouped.Sum(order => order.Amount) };

Group By with Select in LINQ C#

You can group and then project the results using a select statement:

var groupBySelect = orders.GroupBy(order => order.Category)
                          .Select(group => new { Category = group.Key, Orders = group.ToList() });

Entity Framework Group By Multiple Columns with Sum

In Entity Framework, you can use LINQ to group and sum over multiple columns:

var efGroupSum = context.Orders
                        .GroupBy(order => new { order.Category, order.CustomerId })
                        .Select(group => new { group.Key.Category, group.Key.CustomerId, TotalAmount = group.Sum(order => order.Amount) });

C# LINQ Group by Multiple Columns Order By

Finally, to group by multiple columns and then order the results:

var groupOrderBy = orders.GroupBy(order => new { order.Category, order.Status })
                         .Select(group => new { group.Key.Category, group.Key.Status, Count = group.Count() })
                         .OrderBy(result => result.Category)
                         .ThenBy(result => result.Status);



Grouping and selecting multiple columns in LINQ is a powerful way to organize and manipulate data. By understanding these concepts, you can perform complex data operations with ease. Experiment with these examples and modify them according to your needs to grasp the full potential of LINQ in data handling.


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