Iterator in c# with example

Iterator in c# with example

Understanding Iterators in C#

In C#, iterators are a powerful feature used to traverse or iterate over a sequence of elements, such as those in an array or a list. They simplify the process of moving through a collection, allowing for easy access and manipulation of its elements. This article explains what iterators are, how they can be implemented in C#, and provides practical examples to illustrate their use.

What are Iterators?

An iterator in C# is a construct that enables the client code to traverse through a collection or sequence without needing to understand or manage the underlying data structure. Iterators are typically implemented using either the yield return statement or by manually implementing the IEnumerator or IEnumerable interface.

Example 1: Using yield return in an Iterator

The yield return statement is the simplest and most intuitive way to create an iterator in C#. It allows you to define an iterator block that automatically implements the IEnumerator interface.

Scenario: Iterating over a Sequence of Numbers

Suppose you want to create a method that iterates over a sequence of numbers and returns each number only if it is even.


public static IEnumerable<int> GetEvenNumbers(int max)
    for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++)
        if (i % 2 == 0)
            yield return i;  // Yield each even number to the caller

Using the Iterator:


foreach (var num in GetEvenNumbers(10))
    // Outputs: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

In this example, GetEvenNumbers is an iterator method that uses yield return to return each even number up to a specified maximum. The foreach loop calls this method, retrieving each even number sequentially.

Example 2: Implementing IEnumerable and IEnumerator

For more complex scenarios, or when you need additional control over the iteration process, you can manually implement the IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces.

Scenario: Custom Collection of People

Imagine you have a custom collection that holds instances of a Person class and you want to iterate over it.


public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class People : IEnumerable<Person>
    private List<Person> _people = new List<Person>();

    public void Add(Person person)

    public IEnumerator<Person> GetEnumerator()
        return new PeopleEnumerator(_people);

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

public class PeopleEnumerator : IEnumerator<Person>
    private readonly List<Person> _people;
    private int _position = -1;

    public PeopleEnumerator(List<Person> people)
        _people = people;

    public Person Current => _people[_position];

    object IEnumerator.Current => Current;

    public bool MoveNext()
        return (_position < _people.Count);

    public void Reset()
        _position = -1;

    public void Dispose()
        // Optional: Clean up any resources

Using the Custom Iterator:


People people = new People();
people.Add(new Person { Name = "John" });
people.Add(new Person { Name = "Jane" });

foreach (Person p in people)
    // Outputs: John, Jane

In this more detailed example, People is a custom collection that implements IEnumerable, and PeopleEnumerator implements IEnumerator. This setup provides full control over how the collection is iterated.

Benefits of Using Iterators in C#

  1. Simplicity: Iterators abstract the complexity of traversing a collection.
  2. Readability: Using iterators, especially with yield return, can make the code more readable and maintainable.
  3. Flexibility: Custom iterators give you complete control over the iteration logic.


Iterators are an essential part of C#, providing efficient and straightforward methods to handle collection traversal. By understanding and utilizing both simple and complex iterators, developers can significantly enhance the functionality and performance of their applications. Whether you choose the simplicity of yield return or the control of manual implementation, iterators make your C# code more robust and maintainable.

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